Welcome to Santa Fe E-Mail List Reference Card, located on the servers at the University of Nebraska
at Lincoln.
The Santa Fe E-Mail List has been in existance for over 10 years now, and has over 330 on-line members. Once
one joins the List, the email server sends out a reference card to help new members interact with it, and how to properly set-up
incoming e-mails according to personal settings.
The email server asks members to keep the reference card handy for future use, however once in a while
there is a member who tires of the List, and wants to leave, however does not have the reference card handy. So in order to keep
the unwanted traffic on the List to a minimum, the Reference Card is now available here, on-line, at QStation.org.
For those who do not know about the Santa Fe List, and would like to join, send a message to
listserv@unl.edu, with the following as the body:
subscribe santafe
PLEASE NOTE: santafe is ONE word!
**** Welcome to the SANTAFE Discussion Group ****
Your subscription to the SANTAFE list has been accepted.
Please save this message for future reference, especially if you are not
Some Features of Listserv:
Messages are sent to the LIST ADDRESS, which is santafe@unl.edu.
To post a message to the list, send the message to santafe@unl.edu.
All messages sent to this address will be distributed to all the addresses who are subscribed
You must NEVER try to send a COMMAND to the "LIST ADDRESS" address, as it
as the body of the text. This should be the only word in the message.
set santafe mail postpone
as the body of the message. To start receiving messages after postponing
set santafe mail ack
set santafe mail noack
as the message. The "ack" tells listserver to send you a copy of messages
set santafe mail digest
as the message. You will then receive posted messages in a collection
recipients santafe
as the message.
unsubscribe santafe
in the body of the message. You will no longer receive mail from the
index santafe
command to LISTSERV. You can then order these files with a
get santafe logxxxx
command, where xxxxx denotes the numbers after LOG. For example, you
see LOG9501.