Saturday - October 26, 2002 (Day 1)
Saturday morning October 26, 2002 at 4 a.m. was very dark and cold when Drew Mitchem and Brian Bundridge showed up in my
driveway in Renton just outside of Seattle, WA. We were headed over to the "Funnel" for a weekend of photography in these
waning days of fall colors. The plan was to meet Ted Curphey (Funnelfan) in Spokane on our way over and then head up to the
Funnel. Drew's Ford Escort was our transportation and Snoqualmie Pass was crossed without incident and after a short stop at
Moses Lake for some breakfast we continued east. At the Sprague rest area, Drew decided to have me drive the rest of the way
into Spokane as he had little sleep before we left. It was dawning a clear and sunny morning.
We took the Tyler turnoff for Cheney and spotted a stopped eastbound BNSF grain empty at Babb with 3 ex-BN green GP's. We
moved ahead of it and waited down along the former NP low line between Marshall and Spokane for it to arrive and then
continued on into Spokane. Ted was waiting for us at Yardley when we arrived. A UP freight was getting read to head south so
we decideed to move a little west for a shot of it. As I was still behind the wheel of Drew's car, Drew decided to ride with Ted so I
followed them to an overpass wehre the CP #9574 / CEFX #123 soon arrived on the M-EDHK.

CP #9574 West (M-EDHK) at Spokane, WA on 10-26-2002
Click on to see full size
Ted and Drew wanted to head north and catch the BNSF Kettle Turn while BrianB and I wanted to head out to the Funnel.
No problem. Drew took off with Ted to catch the Kettle and BrianB and I took off in Drew's car for the Funnel with plans to meet up
later that afternoon on the Funnel. We got all the way into Idaho without seeing any trains but heard a westbound coming our way
as we got neat Athol. This was the G-HFMTAC with 4 C44-9W's, 2 of them on the read DPU'd. Three more westbounds were
coming so we continued heading north to intercept them. First was a S-BPATAC with BNSF #4410 / TFM @2617 at Granite.

BNSF #4410 West (S-BPATAC) at Granite, ID on 10-26-2002
Click on to see full size
BNSF #7039 led the V-CHCPTL by Cocolalla and BNSF #7839 headed up the V-LPCPTL at Algoma and both were really
nice shots. The eastbound H-EVEGAL was next with 4 C44-9W's at 1419. Shortly after that another westbound with BNSF #6934
leading the V-LAUPTL passed by Algoma. That's 3 westbound V-trains and all with SD40-2's leading.

BNSF #6934 West (V-LAUPTL) at Algoma, ID on 10-26-2002
Click on to see full size
Ted and Drew showed up shortly after that and we headed ot the Hwy 95 bridge at Algoma in hopes of catching a westbound
passing underneath. An eastbound stack train went by first and had CSX #8672 as it's 2nd unit. We got lucky as moments after the
last stack car cleared the H-LAUPAS with 3 ex-BN green SD40-2's rounded the curve and passed by. There was one more
westbound before the sun went down (Grain loads with BNSF #5244 leading) and then we decided to get our rooms at the motel in
Sandpoint and then head down to Rathdrum for dinner. Very nice Mexican restaurant and a few BNSF freights even passed by
while we ate. Then it was a quick drive over to Ted's place for a short stay before Drew, BrianB and I had to head back to
Sandpoint for the night. Here are the trains we photographed on this very productive day:
01) EB BNSF X-PASGRF 3021/3132/2139 Empire, WA @ 0845 (440 axles)
02) SB UP M-EDHK CP 9574/CFEX 123 Spokane, WA @ 1000
03) WB BNSF G-HFMTAC 4783/4194 (DPU 4163/ATSF 644) Athol, ID @ 1202 (452 axles)
04) WB BNSF S-BPATAC 4410/TFM 2617 Granit ID @ 1222
05) WB BNSF V-CHCPTL 7039/6394/6470 Cocolalla, ID @ 1236
06) WB BNSF V-LPCPTL 7839/6785 Algoma, ID @ 1300 (270 axles)
07) EB BNSF H-EVEGAL 4904/8239/ATSF 612/4371 Algoma, ID @ 1419
08) WB BNSF V-LAUPTL 6934/6510 Algoma, ID @ 1429 (236 axles)
09) EB BNSF S-TACCHI 4846/CSX 8672/4751 Algoma, TD @1520
10) WB BNSF H-LAWPAS 8077/7070/FURX 7246 Algoma, ID @ 1522
11) WB BNSF G-MURTAC 5244/5442 (DPU 5352/1004) Algoma, ID @ 1652
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