ATSF Numbered Trains have the following format #-###-## and today are mostly used for UPS trains.
The first # indicates the trains priority (just how hot is this train), with a 9 being the hottest and a 1 being the slowest.
The second and fourth #, are the area of origination and destination codes, as the following table shows:
ATSF Numbered Trains (mostly UPS) |
First and Fourth Number |
Location |
1 |
Chicago area including Willow Springs |
2 | Illiois, Iowa and Missouri |
3 | Argentine Yard, Kansas City |
4 | Kansas, Colorado and East Oklahoma |
5 | East Texas |
6 | West Texas, West Oklahoma, Tennessee |
7 | Arizona, New Mexico and El Paso |
8 | Southern California including Barstow |
9 | Northern California (west of Barstow) |
The third # describes the type of service as the following table shows:
ATSF Numbered Trains (mostly UPS) |
Third Number | Type |
0 | General Freight |
1 | General Freight |
2 | General Freight |
3 | General Freight |
4 | General Freight |
5 | Mixed Freight |
6 | Mixed Freight |
7 | Intermodal |
8 | Intermodal |
9 | Intermodal |
The last two #s indicate the day of the month that this train departed.
For Example: Train 1-983-24
- would be low priority (indicated by the first number - 1)
- leaving Richmond (Northern California) (indicated by the second number - 9)
- being of type Intermodal (indicated by the third number - 8)
- destined for Argentine Yard (indicated by the fourth number - 3)
- leaving on the 24th day of that month (indicated by the fifth and sixth numbers - 24)
ATSF Lettered Trains have the following format X-XXXX#-##.
The first X describes the type of service as the following table shows:
ATSF Train Symbol Prefixes |
Prefix | Designation |
A | Amtrak Passenger |
B | Bare Table |
C | Unit Coal Train (Loaded) |
D | Deadhead Power Moves |
E | Unit Coal Train (Empty) |
F | Foreign Lines, Detour Train |
G | Unit Grain Train (Loaded) |
H | High Priority Manifest Train |
K | Helpers |
L | Local Train (Regularly Scheduled) |
M | Manifest Train |
P | Premium Intermodal Train |
Q | Guaranteed Intermodal Train |
R | Roadswitcher (Regularly Scheduled) |
S | Intermodal Double Stack Train |
T | Transfer Cut (Interchange Deliveries or Receipt) |
U | Unspecified Unit Train |
V | Vehicle Train (Auto and Parts) |
W | Work Train |
X | Unit Grain Train (Empty) |
Y | Yard Job (Regulary Schedled) |
Z | Premium Guaranteed (UPS Service) |
The second through fifth Xs, are the city of origination XX and destination XX codes, as the following table shows:
ATSF Train Symbol Code Locations |
Code | Location |
AB | Abilene, KS |
AC | Arkansas City, KS |
AD | Ardmore, OK |
AE | Artesia, NM |
AF | Ash Fork, AZ |
AH | Ashland, KS |
AI | Attica, KS |
AL | Alvin, TX |
AL | Alliance Yard, (Fort Worth, TX) |
AM | Amerillo, TX |
AN | Anthony, TX |
AQ | Albuquerque, NM |
AS | Altus, TX |
AT | Atchison, KS |
AU | Augusta, KS |
AV | Avard, OK |
BA | Barstow, CA |
BC | Boise City, OK |
BD | Brady, TX |
BE | Belen, NM |
BG | Borger, TX |
BH | Birmingham, AL (BN Connection) |
BI | Big Lift, CO |
BK | Bakersfield, CA |
BL | Bellville, TX |
BM | Beaumont, TX |
BN | Brenham, TX |
BR | Brownwood, TX |
BS | Boise Southern, LA |
BV | Bartlettsville, OK |
BW | Blackwell, OK |
BY | Bay City, TX |
CA | Canadian, TX |
CB | Carlsbad, NM |
CC | Chillicothe, IL |
CD | Caldwell, TX |
CE | Conroe, TX |
CG | Clinton, OK |
CH | Chicago, IL |
CI | Cincinnati,OH |
CL | Cleburne, TX |
CM | Concordia, KS |
CN | Chanute, KS |
CO | Columbus, OH |
CR | Carrollton, MO |
CS | Colorado Springs, CO |
CT | Cleta, TX |
CU | Cushing, OK |
CV | Clovis, NM |
CW | Corwith Yard (Chicago, IL) |
CX | Croxton, NJ |
CY | Canyon, TX |
CZ | Clelland, CO |
DA | Dallas, TX |
DB | Dublin, TX |
DC | Dodge City, KS |
DE | Defiance, NM |
DM | Deming, NM |
DU | Dumas, TX |
DV | Denver, CO |
ED | El Dorado, KS |
EF | Elhart, IN |
EL | Eagle Lake, TX |
EM | Emporia, KS |
EN | Enid, OK |
EP | El Paso, TX |
ER | Etter, OK |
ES | East Saint Louis, IL |
ET | Eton, MO |
FD | Fredonia, KS |
FH | Fort Hood, TX |
FI | Fannett, TX |
FL | Flagstaff, AZ |
FM | Fort Madison, IA |
FN | Florence, CO |
FR | Fresno, CA |
FS | fort Stockton, TX |
FU | Fullerton, CA |
FV | Fairview, OK |
FW | Fort Worth, TX |
GA | Gainesville, TX |
GB | Great Bend, KS |
GC | Garden City, KS |
GL | Galesburg, IL |
GM | Grand Rapids, MI |
GN | Glendale, AZ |
GP | Gallup, NM |
GR | Grants, NM |
GU | Guthrie, OK |
GV | Galveston, TX |
HA | Hamlin, TX |
HB | Hobart Yard (Los Angeles, CA) |
HD | Hodgekins, IL (GM Yard) |
HE | Hereford, TX |
HL | Holcomb, KS |
HM | Hartman, CO |
HO | Houston, TX |
HR | Harper, KS |
HU | Hutchinson, KS |
HY | Hurley, NM |
JC | Joseph City, AZ |
JO | Joliet, IL |
JS | Jasper, TX |
JT | Jetmore, KS |
KA | Kaiser, CA |
KC | Kansas City, KS |
KG | Kingman, KS |
KI | Kingman, AZ |
KM | Kings Mill, TX |
KP | Kings Park, CA |
KV | Cleveland, OH |
KW | Kiowa, KS |
LA | Los Angeles, CA |
LB | Long Beach, CA |
LC | Las Cruces, NM |
LD | Larado, TX |
LE | Lee Ranch Mine, NM |
LF | Little Field, TX |
LJ | La Junta, CO |
LM | Lometa, TX |
LO | Longview, TX |
LR | Lamar, CO |
LU | Lubbock, TX |
LV | Las Vegas, NM |
LW | Lawrence, KS |
LY | Lyons, KS |
MA | Miami, TX |
MC | McCook, IL (Chicago, IL) |
MD | Midlothian, TX |
ME | Medicine Lodge, KS |
ME | Memphis, TN (BN) |
MJ | Mojave, CA |
ML | Mill, TX |
MN | Milano, TX |
MO | Modesto, CA (Empire Junction) |
MP | McPherson, KS |
MR | Marceline, MO |
MV | Mulvane, KS |
NA | Navajo, AZ |
NC | Coronado Generating Station at St Johns, AZ |
NE | Needles, CA |
NG | nogales, AZ |
NW | Newton, KS |
NY | New York (CR connection) |
OA | Oakdale, LA |
OK | Oklahoma City, OK |
OL | Olathe, KS |
OT | Ottawa, KS |
OW | Owasso, KS |
PA | Parker, AZ |
PB | Pittsburg, CA |
PC | Pecos, TX |
PD | Pedernal, NM |
PE | Pearlland, TX (Houston, TX) |
PG | Pegs, NM |
PI | Paris, TX |
PM | Pampa, TX |
PN | Plainview, TX |
PO | Ponca City, OK |
PR | Perry, OK |
PS | Presidio, TX |
PT | Pittsburg, KS |
PU | Pueblo, CO |
PV | Pauls Valley, OK |
PW | Pawnee, OK |
PX | Phoenix, AZ |
PY | Perrytown, AZ |
PZ | Purcell, OK |
RA | Raton, NM |
RD | Riverside, CA |
RI | Richmond, CA |
RN | Rincon, NM |
RO | Rosenburg, TX |
RR | Red Rock, OK |
RS | Rustler Springs, NM |
RV | Riverbank, CA |
RW | Roswell, NM |
SA | Salina, KS |
SB | San Bernadino, CA |
SC | Scott City, Ks |
SD | San Diego, CA |
SE | Seligman, AZ |
SF | Santa Fe, NM |
SG | Springfield, CO |
SH | Shattuck, OK |
SI | Silsbee, TX |
SJ | St. Joseph, MO |
SK | Selkerk, NY (CR connection) |
SL | Slaton, TX |
SM | Somerville, TX |
SN | San Angelo, TX |
SO | Sacramento, CA |
SP | San Pedro, CA |
SQ | St. Francis, TX |
SR | Streator, IL (Chicago, IL) |
SS | Shawnee, OK |
ST | Stockton, CA (Mormon Yard) |
SU | Superior, NE |
SV | Santanta, KS |
SW | Sweetwater, TX |
SX | Smithers Lake, TX |
SY | Sibley, MO |
SZ | San Augustine, TX |
TC | Texas City, TX |
TE | Temple, TX |
TI | Tulia, TX |
TL | Tulsa, OK |
TM | Tecumseh, KS |
TN | Tenaha, TX |
TP | Topeka, KS |
TR | Trinidad, CO |
TU | Tucson, AZ |
TU | Tulia, TX |
VV | Victorville, CA |
WA | Waynoka, OK |
WC | Wichita, KS |
WD | White Deer, TX |
WF | Winfield, KS |
WI | Winslow, AZ |
WJ | Williams Junction, AZ |
WK | Wasco, CA |
WL | Wellington, KS |
WN | Winnie, TX |
WO | Woodward, OK |
WS | Willow Springs, IL (Chicago, IL) |
WT | Watson, CA |
YC | York Canyon, NM |
YG | Yaggy, KS |
ZJ | Zacha Junction Yard (Dallas, YX) (KCS) |
The Sixth # has multiple meanings as the following table shows:
ATSF Train Symbol Sixth Digit Numbers |
Number | Shipper |
1 | 1st Train section |
2 | 2nd Train section |
3 | 3rd Train section, or unusual movement, or extra scheduling of a train that does not fall into category 1 or 2 |
4 | OCCL if a Stack (Q,P,S) train, or Key train with hasmat loads for Manifest (H,M) train |
5 | Maersk if a Stack (Q,P,S) train |
6 | Railbridge (K-Line) if a Stack (Q,P,S) train |
7 | Not used |
8 | Hyundai if a Stack (Q,P,S) train, or used to designate the expediency required of certain trains that are not stack or freight trains |
9 | Used to designate the expediency required of certain trains that are not stack or freight trains |
The last two #s indicate the day of the month that this train departed.
For Example: Train H-ALLB2-18
- would be a High Priority Manifest Train (indicated by the first letter - H)
- leaving Alliance Yard, (Fort Worth, TX) (indicated by the second and third letters - AL)
- destined for Long Beach, CA (indicated by the fourth and fifth letters - LB)
- being the second section of this train (indicated by the sixth number - 2)
- leaving on the 18th day of that month (indicated by the seventh and eight numbers - 18)
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